Thursday, July 3, 2014

Daily Journal 7/3/2014

Today was a unique day for me. My days are usually ordinary and boring but today at work one of my coworkers who is a little down on his luck asked me if prayer worked. At first I was caught of guard it was not a question I would have thought this person would ask. When I got over the brief shock I said confidently yes, I believe prayer works. He paused and said he didn't think it did because it has never worked for  him. So I asked him how he knew it didn't work. He said he was sure it didn't work because just one bad thing after another kept happening. I told him I understood what he was saying but to imagine for a minute how bad it could be if his prayer really weren't being answered that maybe he should look at it as his prayers are keeping the bad from spiraling totally out of control. I reminded him that God tries to show us what we need to do and in our hearts we know what we need to do but the problem is we don't listen and then blame him when things get bad. He seemed to calm down some after that and then he changed the subject. I just thought it was odd because I am very private about my faith and I don't normally discuss it especially at work but I think it made us both feel good and I hope it helped him. Then I got to come home  to my husband and son who made a delicious dinner and we watched a movie. So I have to say it was a great day all around.

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